Welcome to the Namibian National Symphony Orchestra

next event: RMB Concerto Festival 2024

 Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August 2024

at the DHPS Aula in Windhoek (Deutsche Höhere Privatschule in Church Street)

Young Namibian Musicians will perform together with the NNSO and you will witness the captivating  development of our music students in a variety of instruments and voices.

Special Guests for this RMB Concerto Festival 2024 will be the Karlsruher Concert Duo that will perform the Beethoven Triple Concerto together with our Concertmaster Jürgen Kriess.

Our conductor will be Xavier Cloete.

Tickets are available at webtickets Namibia: www.webtickets.com.na , at any Pick n Pay or Shoprite Kiosks and at the door (if not sold out before). Should you have problems to get tickets, please contact us as info@nnso.info

Pictures of the RMB Concerto Festival 2024 - with big thanks to @kcartmedia_corporate

 Tickets for our concerts are available at webtickets.com.na and Pick'nPay. Should there be a problem with the ticket sales either at the website or with Pick'nPay, please call the Webtickets customer center at 0811 272725 for assistance.

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 NNSO - who we are

The NNSO is a group of musicians who perform classical music in Namibia. It includes professional musicians as well as amateurs, the work is project related, so for each concert the group of musicians varies according to the music that is played. Responsible for all music related issues is our concert master Mr. Jürgen Kriess.

The passion for making great music together is what keeps all of us giving our best and to outgrow ourselves every time.

We thank your ongoing Partners, Sponsors and Supporters! Without your generous support, we would not be able to provide concerts of this quality to our audience!

If you want to support the live performance of classical orchestra music in Namibia, please support us by becoming a member or a  "Friend of the NNSO" .

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